Create programs that mitigate the frequency of the habitual offender incarcerated at the Henry County Jail through education, vocational training, anger management and drug and alcohol treatment.
Trust between law enforcement agencies and the people they protect and serve is essential in a democracy. It is key to the stability of our communities, the integrity of our criminal justice system, and the safe and effective delivery of policing services. Law enforcement agencies should proactively promote public trust by initiating positive non-enforcement activities to engage communities.
Implement new technologies, coupled with best practices and industry standards that give law enforcement an opportunity to fully engage and educate communities in a dialogue about their mutual expectations for transparency, accountability, and privacy.
Interagency collaboration in law enforcement is the process of agencies working together toward a common goal. It promotes greater efficiency in service delivery. It improves definitive roles of participating agencies, while increasing the quality and quantity of resources availed.
Implement internal business practices and standards that induce optimal service levels.
Commission on Accreditation for Corrections. The ACA standards have served to establish a fundamental operational structure for facilities and agencies that have implemented them. ACA standards interface with all aspects of operations, including safety, security, order, care, programs, justice, and administration.
Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies. The primary cornerstones that comprises the CALEA difference and distinguishes CALEA from all other forms of public safety accreditation are professionalism, stewardship, integrity, diversity, independence, continuous improvement, objectivity, credibility, consistency, knowledge, experience, accountability and collaboration.
National Commission on Correctional Health care was established to improve the quality of health care in jails, prisons and juvenile detention facilities and confinement facilities.
Take a tough; but fair stance on crime by returning to restorative law enforcement standards and best practices.
Restorative justice seeks to understand and address the circumstances that contributed to the crime. Restorative justice is concerned with healing victims' wounds, restoring offenders to law-abiding lives, and repairing harm done to interpersonal relationships and the community. A restorative justice process also aims to empower victims to participate effectively in dialogue or mediation with offenders.
Support staff by continuing to hire law enforcement professionals who reflect the community they serve and espouse the ethics and oath sworn to protect and serve.
Set as a priority a holistic approach to the overall wellness and safety of staff through cutting edge training and development.